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恭喜斑马博士客户获得哈佛大学 Harvard University MEd in Education Policy and Analysis教育政策与分析硕士录取!
爬藤/冲G5路线定制 (2024年入学)
1 因为是文科生,为了申请教育、MPP, MPA, IR(International relations), 花了2年时间提前“恶补”了相关课程,包括宏微观经济、统计、政策等
2 先后去不同的bigname公司实习,实习内容横跨多个领域,有international organization,consulting,policy analysis、governance等
3 reach out 科研资源,有丰富的科研经历与论文产出
4努力提升GPA, 尤其是提升大三的GPA,有显著进步
5 暑假的时候就开始着手准备目标学校的文书,反复迭代
录取结果: 哈佛大学 -- 教育学 JHU -- International Relations(案例详情) 乔治敦大学 -- MPA
【OFFER展示】哈佛大学 Harvard University MEd in Education Policy and Analysis教育政策与分析硕士
【院校介绍】哈佛大学(Harvard University),简称“哈佛”,一所顶尖私立研究型大学,常春藤盟校、全球大学高研院联盟成员。
2023年U.S. News美国最佳大学排名中,哈佛大学位列第3。
The Education Policy and Analysis (EPA) Program will prepare you to lead and engage in education policy development, analysis, and change in organizations and settings throughout the United States and internationally. You also will learn how to scale effective education practices and how to leverage policy in order to expand their reach. The program will provide you with the theoretical frameworks and analytic methods that will enable you to design, implement, and evaluate policies at the global, national, state, institutional, program, and project levels. Our program prepares you to work in local, state, national, and international sectors, as well as research and consulting organizations, think tanks, institutions of higher education, and policy advocacy organizations. (摘录自官网)
Education Policy and Analysis | Harvard Graduate School of Education
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