【逆袭】专科学历,5+年工作经验,成功拿下伦敦艺术大学University of the Arts London(UAL) MA Strategic Fashion Marketing 以及卡迪夫大学硕士录取!
恭喜斑马博士客户宝宝斩获专科学历,5+年工作经验,成功拿下伦敦艺术大学University of the Arts London(UAL) MA Strategic Fashion Marketing 以及卡迪夫大学硕士录取!

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【这些被世界顶尖名校录取者,有着更强的背景,更强甄别好坏的能力,他们在做了充分的对比之后,选择了斑马博士 -- 一家不盲目追求签约数量、拒绝流水线|模板化,强调提供精细化的精英留学理念与服务的“有情怀的、小众”机构!这些最优秀的学生的选择,值得你们参考!


客户弱背景,专科学历,有5+年的工作经验,因为要给自己圆梦,所以找到小斑马希望可以帮助他努力完成自己的愿望,事实证明斑马博士做到了,助力客户直接拿到了伦敦艺术大学UAL University of the Arts London(UAL) MA Strategic Fashion Marketing 录取 ! 此外还获得了卡迪夫大学的硕士录取!

 一般而言,专科学历是需要先读一年硕士预科,然后再对接硕士主课,且UAL的硕士项目都非常非常难,申请的时候就要递交research proposal的!

【OFFER展示】  University of the Arts London(UAL) MA Strategic Fashion Marketing

斑马博士,斑马博士留学中心,伦敦艺术大学,University of the Arts London,UAL,MA Strategic Fashion Marketing, 时装战略营销硕士


学校介绍】伦敦艺术大学University of the Arts London),简称“UAL”, 原名:伦敦学院 (The London Institute),是全世界最优秀的艺术学院之一,将世界上最著名的致力于艺术、设计及其它相关活动的七所学院联合起来。2019QS世界大学排行榜第二名。

【专业解读】The purpose of this unit is to introduce you to the range of research methods, approaches and tools that are available to you in order to conduct your post graduate project. The Research Methods unit will cover philosophy and ethics in research, primary and secondary research methods, including quantitative, qualitative and visual research methods, and how to analyse, evaluate and disseminate research findings. The unit will consider research in a range of contexts relevant to the cultural and creative industries and enable you to understand the relationship between theory and practice.With the increasing globalisation of fashion brands, a knowledge and understanding of international market structures are essential requirements for those wanting to pursue a management career in the fashion industry. The International Marketing Strategies unit will enhance your analytical and planning abilities in developing appropriate strategies for both market entry, motivations for international growth and market expansion development stages and positioning. The internationalisation of retailer/brands marketing strategies will be explored to guide new multi-channel / omni-channel and digital routes to market for established and emerging markets.(摘录自官网)


Fashion Business Strategy 
Fashion Branding 
Research Methods 
International Marketing Strategies 
Marketing Communications 
Collaborative Unit - find out more
Masters Project 

以上为斑马博士留学中心整理, 更多咨询可联系助手 UU(微信/电话: 18516215846) Jason (电话/微信:17717381037)免费咨询。