【斑马博士捷报+录取参考+专业解读】University College London MS Data Science (with specialisation in Computer Science伦敦大学学院数据科学硕士​录取!
恭喜斑马博士客户宝宝斩获University College London (UCL) MSc Data Science 伦敦大学学院数据科学硕士​的offer

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恭喜斑马博士的客户获得 University College London (UCL) MSc Data Science 伦敦大学学院数据科学硕士的offer!所以斑马博士专门整理了这个专业的录取数据与专业解读,供大家参考。

录取背景: 罗彻斯特大学,数学专业+minor 计算机, GPA 3.67/4, 无科研,实习2段(京东运营分析、 咨询公司)

OFFER展示:University College London (UCL) MSc Data Science 伦敦大学学院数据科学硕士


院校介绍:UCL,全称:University College London,伦敦大学学院,英国G5, QS 世界排名#7。


专业解读:Data science 是将数据驱动的问题解决方案的计算和统计技能结合在一起,这使 marketing, pharmaceutics, finance and management 等领域的需求日益增加。MSc Data science equip students with the analytical tools to design sophisticated technical solutions using modern computational methods and with an emphasis on rigorous statistical thinking.


Introduction to Statistical Data Science
Introduction to Machine Learning
Statistical Design of Investigations

Statistical Computing


At least two from a choice of Statistical Science modules including:
Applied Bayesian Methods
Decision & Risk
Factorial Experimentation
Quantitative Modelling of Operational Risk and Insurance Analytics
Selected Topics in Statistics
Stochastic Methods in Finance I
Stochastic Methods in Finance II
Stochastic Systems
Up to two from a choice of Computer Science modules including:
Affective Computing and Human-Robot Interaction
Graphical Models
Statistical Natural Language Processing

Information Retrieval & Data Mining

以上为斑马博士整理的专业相关信息, 更多咨询可联系助手 UU(微信/电话: 18516215846)咨询 。