【斑马博士捷报】 University of the Pacific(UOP) BA Economics太平洋大学经济学录取!
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恭喜斑马博士的客户获得 University of the Pacific(UOP) BA Economics太平洋大学经济学的录取!斑马博士专门整理了 University of the Pacific(UOP) BA Economics太平洋大学经济学的专业解读,供大家参考。

【OFFER展示】 University of the Pacific(UOP) BA Economics太平洋大学经济学

斑马博士、斑马博士留学中心、University of the Pacific、UOP、BA Economics、太平洋大学、经济学

【学校介绍】太平洋大学全称(University of the Pacific)简称 UOP,是一所国家级私立大学,U.S.News美国大学综合排名 第111名。


Economics majors and minors are taught how to conceptualize their own roles in society, whether acting as individuals, members of private-sector firms or as public servants in the government sector. Students learn how to apply theoretical understanding and analytical skills to a wide variety of issues, problems, and policies and thus graduate ready to put those skills to use across a wide variety of industries working in business, finance, law or for governmental or non-profit agencies in nearly any field.(摘录自官网)


Fall 1

Intro Microeconomics(GE1A)


GE 1

Language 1 (GE 2A)

Fall 2

Intermediate Micro Theory


History of Thought

Minor/double major course

Fall 3

Empirical Methods

GE 4

Econ elective 2

Minor/double major course

Fall 4

Econ elective 4


Minor/double major course

open/double major


Spring 1

Intro Macroeconomics (GE 1B)


Statistics (GE 3B)

Language 2

Spring 2

Intermediate Macro Theory

GE 3

Econ elective 1

Minor/double major course

Spring 3

Econ elective 3

GE 5

Minor/double major course

Minor/double major course

Spring 4


open/double major

open/double major

open/double major

以上为斑马博士留学中心整理,若需要进一步咨询,搜索 “斑马博士留学”中心官方网站咨询。以上为斑马博士留学中心整理, 更多咨询可联系助手 UU(微信/电话: 18516215846)斑马博士官方电话/微信: 17717381037) 免费咨询