【斑马博士捷报】华盛顿大学 University of Washington MS Real Estate 房地产专业硕士(Argue Waitlist后转正)
恭喜斑马博士客户通过Argue成功获取University of Washington (UW) MS in Real Estate的录取!

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申请华盛顿大学 University of Washington Master of Science in Real Estate (MSRE) 这个专业,被告知放在了Waitlist, 学校邮件通知截图:

Argue之后, 很快就逆袭转正了, University of Washington Master of Science in Real Estate Offer:

接下来,让小斑马介绍下 University of Washington (UW) MS in Real Estate (MSRE) 这专业的详细解读吧!

学校介绍: UW,全称:University of Washington,华盛顿大学,US NEWS #56,地处西雅图,集结了诸多大公司如亚马逊,毗邻加州,离硅谷近,所以就业机会多。


专业解读:MSRE program is to prepare graduates to become future leaders in the real estate industry by fostering innovative and interdisciplinary critical thinking, grounded in fundamental principles, while embracing sustainability and best industry practices.


以上为斑马博士留学中心整理的如何让University of Washington (UW) MS in Real Estate 录取的Argue逆袭案例, 更多咨询可联系助手 UU 18516215846 Jason 13816118458咨询 。