【斑马博士:录取参考+专业解读】牛津大学 University of Oxford MSc Mathematics and Computational Finance数学与计算金融理学硕士
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录取背景:2+2,利物浦大学的本科学位,本科专业Financial Mathematics, 均分90, 无GRE,语言Waive
OFFER展示:University of Oxford MSc in Mathematics and Computational Finance 牛津大学数学与计算金融理学硕士
学院介绍:Oxford,全称:University of Oxford,牛津大学,位于英国牛津,英国G5顶尖名校,QS世界排名#6
牛津大学 Oxford MSc in Mathematics and Computational Finance 专业介绍:
解读:Oxford MSc in Mathematics and Computational Finance,可提高学生 strong mathematical background,强调学生具备 expertise to the solution of real finance problems.
第一学期核心课程:Stochastic Calculus、Financial Derivatives、Numerical Methods I - Monte-Carlo、Numerical Methods I - Finite Differences、Statistics and Financial Data Analysis、Financial Programming with C++ 1
第二学期分了三个stream供学生选择: 1.Modelling stream:Exotic derivativesStochastic volatility, jump diffusionsCommoditiesFixed income 2. Data-driven stream:Asset pricing and inefficiency of marketsMarket microstructure and tradingAlgorithmic tradingAdvanced financial data analysisMachine learningPython 3.Tools stream:Numerical methods 2 - Monte Carlo methodsNumerical methods 2 - Finite differencesCalibrationOptimisationIntroduction to stochastic control
申请要求: 英国本科一等学位,美国本科GPA 3.6+/4, 本科专业与数学、计算机相关,尤其强调real analysis方面的知识, 不强制要求递交GMAT/GRE (强烈建议递交)、IELTS 7.0 (R6.5 L6.5 W6.5 S6.5)