【斑马博士捷报】马里兰艺术学院Maryland Institute College of Art(MICA)Bachelor of Fine Art (BFA)program美术学士本科录取!
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恭喜斑马博士客户斩获马里兰艺术学院Maryland Institute College of Art(MICA)Bachelor of Fine Art program美术学士本科录取!

斑马博士留学中心专门整理了马里兰艺术学院Maryland Institute College of Art(MICA) Bachelor of Fine Art program美术学士本科的详细的专业解读,供大家参考。



OFFER展示】 马里兰艺术学院Maryland Institute College of Art(MICA)Bachelor of Fine Art program美术学士本科



【院校介绍】马里兰艺术学院(Maryland Institute College of Art 简称MICA)是全美顶尖的艺术学院。于1826年成立,是美国历史最悠久的艺术院校之一,也是最古老授予学位的艺术学院。属于AICAD(独立艺术与设计学院协会)会员。同时也隶属National Association of Schools of Art and Design (国家艺术设计大学联盟)。位于美国东岸马里兰州最大城市巴尔的摩(Baltimore)。



Because the prescribed degree plan is very open, students are expected to plan their courses very carefully so that they fulfill a personal direction. Because the department supports the idea of personal vision and personal direction, no predetermined concentrations exist.

The requirements for the general fine arts major include core courses at the sophomore, junior, and senior levels, and open electives grouped into two categories. The first category includes seven courses (21 credits) taken in fine arts. The second category of electives is more open, permitting four electives (12 credits) from any studio department.

In the GFA major, students collaborate between disciplines such as drawing and painting, or the combination of video, performance, and text. However, underlying these interdisciplinary opportunities is solid training in traditional skills.







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