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OFFER展示】谢菲尔德大学The University of Sheffield MA Digital Culture and Communication数字文化与传播硕士





谢菲尔德大学(The University of Sheffield),又译雪菲尔大学,简称“谢大、谢菲、TUoS”,英国研究型大学,世界百强大学  ,英国”红砖大学“ ,世界大学联盟、罗素大学集团、白玫瑰大学联盟、N8大学联盟、欧洲大学协会(EUA)以及英联邦大学协会(ACU)。2012年管理学院获得AACSB、AMBA和EQUIS三大认证。






If you have a passion for understanding culture and society and a desire to influence digital innovation, this MA is for you.

It will help you better understand the cultural contexts of digital media developments through historical, critical and theoretical perspectives.

Digital culture is about the emergence and use of digital content, networks and technologies - for example, social media, algorithms, online groups, digital images and sounds - and their interactive relationship with the ways culture is created, consumed and altered.

The very nature of digital culture means users don’t just receive it, they interact with it and are influenced by it. For example:

Whose voices are present or absent online and how that relates to inequality

How personal and group identities are expressed in the digital world and how this affects identity

The degree that digital objects emerge from our culture and cause changes to it

You’ll also learn how digital content is used to represent human culture and society in the past and present, such as ancient documents, artefacts and environments as well as present-day social media, digital arts and virtual worlds.

You don't need a background in information science, computer programming or have mathematical competencies. It's far more important for applicants to have an interest in culture and society.




Digital Culture and Communication MA | 2023 | Postgraduate (sheffield.ac.uk)


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