【斑马博士捷报】康奈尔大学Cornell University SC Johnson College of Business庄臣商学院M.P.S Program in Applied Economics and Management(AEM)(Behavioral Finance concentration)应用经济与管理(行为金融)硕士录取!
恭喜斑马博士客户获得康奈尔大学Cornell University SC Johnson College of Business庄臣商学院M.P.S Program in Applied Economics and Management(Behavioral Finance concentration)应用经济与管理(行为金融)硕士录取!

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恭喜斑马博士客户获得康奈尔大学Cornell University SC Johnson College of Business庄臣商学院M.P.S Program in Applied Economics and Management(Behavioral Finance concentration)应用经济与管理(行为金融)硕士录取!

斑马博士留学中心专门整理了康奈尔大学Cornell University SC Johnson College of Business庄臣商学院M.P.S Program in Applied Economics and Management(Behavioral Finance concentration)应用经济与管理(行为金融)硕士的详细的专业解读,供大家参考。


【专业洞察】一年项目, stem专业,有5个concentration (Behavioral Finance、Behavioral Marketing、Business of Food、International and Development Economics、Sustainable Business and Economic Policy、Technology Management),不同concentration有不同的specialization 课程,对应的文书也是不一样的。


这个专业还可以选CEMS MIM的track,花一个学期去康奈尔的CEMS联盟里面的全球顶尖的大学上课(英国LSE、法国HEC等,study abroad),美国大学里面只有康奈尔是CEMS的成员大学, 录取者需要完成一个Cornell-designed international project (Global Performance Learning Lab) 或者实习。

offer展示】康奈尔大学Cornell University SC Johnson College of Business庄臣商学院M.P.S Program in Applied Economics and Management(Behavioral Finance concentration)应用经济与管理(行为金融)硕士


【背景】985, GPA 3.7+, GRE 320+, 大厂实习3段,科研助手, 有创业经历。



康奈尔大学(Cornell University),该校是美国大学协会的十四个创始院校之一,著名的常春藤盟校八成员之一。

2021U.S. News美国最佳大学排名中康奈尔位列第18 ,2023QS世界大学排名第20。




Tomorrow’s leaders need more than vision. They need an understanding of economics, backed by data and tested on real-world problems. Cornell’s STEM-designated Master of Professional Studies (MPS) in Applied Economics and Management (AEM) is a one-year master’s program designed to build upon your undergraduate experience and launch your career with an industry-specific focus in one of six specialized concentrations.(摘录自官网)




MPS in Applied Economics Curriculum | Cornell Dyson



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