【斑马博士捷报】伦敦政治经济学院 LSE Global MSc in Management (GMiM)全球管理学硕士录取+5000英镑GSC奖学金!
恭喜斑马博士客户获得伦敦政治经济学院The London School of Economics and Political Science(LSE)Global MSc in Management (GMiM)全球管理学硕士录取+5000英镑奖学金!

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恭喜斑马博士客户获得伦敦政治经济学院The London School of Economics and Political ScienceLSE)Global MSc in Management (GMiM)全球管理学硕士录取+5000英镑 LSE GSC 奖学金(奖学金率低于4%)



 任何背景都可以申请, 2022年申请总量1456,入学人数89, 英本可以waive GMAT, 核心课程涉及到商业分析、组织行为、战略实践、金融等课程,这就是一个如何运用管理研究方法来提升企业运营效率、决策效率的专业,侧重lean management跟strategy effectiveness


注意:LSE有至少三个管理相关的专业: LSE Global MSc in Management (GMiM),Master's in Management (MiM), Management and Strategy,UCL Management,IC Management/International Management, 侧重点完全不同,建议大家要仔细研究下课程结构,然后再去写你的academic motivation、 research interest、以及职业规划。 千万千万不要用一样的文书申请不同的管理专业!显得你都没搞清楚这些专业到底在学啥~~


【奖学金展示】伦敦政治经济学院The London School of Economics and Political ScienceLSE)Global MSc in Management全球管理学硕士+5000英镑奖学金 (LSE graduate Support Scheme 奖学金计划)

 斑马博士,斑马博士留学中心,伦敦政治经济学院,The London School of Economics and Political Science(LSE),Global Master's in Management,全球管理硕士,5000英镑奖学金

OFFER展示】伦敦政治经济学院The London School of Economics and Political ScienceLSE)Global MSc in Management全球管理学硕士

斑马博士,斑马博士留学中心,伦敦政治经济学院,The London School of Economics and Political Science(LSE),Global MSc in Management (GMiM),全球管理学硕士 



【院校介绍】伦敦政治经济学院(The London School of Economics and Political Science,简称:LSE,中文简称:伦敦政经)是一所位于英国伦敦的公立研究型大学,由费边社成员韦伯夫妇、格雷厄姆·华莱士和乔治·萧伯纳于1895年创立,现为伦敦大学联盟成员和罗素大学集团成员,金三角名校之一,被誉为“G5超级精英大学” 。





【专业解读】Join the top students from across the globe and prepare yourself for an outstanding career in management and leadership with our two year Global Master's in Management.


We offer a unique approach to management, with a truly in-depth and rigorous learning experience. Alongside a foundation in the fundamental knowledge and skills essential for managers today, you will also have the opportunity to specialise and apply what you’ve learned in practice.


An extensive first-year curriculum gives a clear understanding of the real challenges facing managers and organisations operating in a global context. After an optional summer internship spent exploring career options, we offer three second-year pathways to specialise and ground what you have learnt, complemented by two core courses, Management in Action and Ethics, Governance, and Leadership.


We are proud to be the only UK programme to offer the CEMS double degree, with 34 leading partner business schools worldwide, and access to a global network of over 70 corporate partners and 8 social partners (NGOs). We also offer the MBA exchange term, giving an opportunity to join a leading MBA classroom in the US and Asia. Alternatively, you can opt to explore LSE’s huge range of electives, and specialise in your own area of interest; the choice is yours.(摘录自官网)







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