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小客户社区大学转top35美本 gpa2.7获得波士顿大学Boston University(BU)Master of Science in Project Management项目管理硕士录取!

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恭喜斑马博士客户获得波士顿大学Boston UniversityBU)Master of Science in Project Management项目管理硕士录取!



offer展示】波士顿大学Boston UniversityBU)Master of Science in Project Management项目管理硕士

斑马博士,斑马博士留学中心,波士顿大学,Boston University(BU),Master of Science in Project Management,项目管理硕士 



【学校介绍】波士顿大学(Boston University),简称BU,是一所创办于1839年的私立研究型大学,爱国者联盟成员,美国大学协会成员校 。其主校区位于波士顿市中心查尔斯河河畔,医学院校区则设在波士顿市区南边的长木医学区。

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Available on campus and online, the Master of Science in Project Management (MSPM) degree program at Boston University’s Metropolitan College (MET) is a unique opportunity to combine a broad and industry-rooted knowledge of business and management principles with a mastery of successful project-based strategies and practices, preparing you for a range of career paths in a variety of industries.


A recent Project Management Institute study (Make Reality Global Survey 2020–2021) cited project management as one of the top-five areas business leaders would like to prioritize. Yet, a talent shortage persists. According to the PMI 2021 Talent Gap Report, the global economy will need 25 million new project professionals by 2030, filling about 2.3 million job openings per year. To counteract this shortage, we need to ensure that the project management workforce has the skills necessary to navigate a rapidly evolving profession.


As reflected in the seventh edition of the Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide), the global standards of project management are changing radically across industry, including a shift from processes toward principles and best practices for carrying out projects successfully. That means less emphasis on predictive plan-based methodology and more focus on leadership and agile methodologies that can result in faster delivery time and higher success due to collaboration and the ability to respond to market trends.


To meet these changing needs—including corresponding adjustments to professional certification exams—the Project Management master’s provides a strong foundational core in project management technical knowledge, leadership principles, and awareness of the context of projects in the business environment. Along with developing the technical expertise to manage projects in accordance with professional standards, you will be able to demonstrate ethical and culturally aware stakeholder engagement, communication, leadership, and teamwork. Additionally, the program will ensure that you possess the strategic awareness to make informed decisions and deliver a sustained competitive advantage.(摘录自官网)







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