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恭喜斑马博士客户获得纽约大学New York University(NYUMS in Project ManagementMSPM)项目管理硕士录取!



offer展示】纽约大学New York University(NYUMS in Project ManagementMSPM)项目管理硕士

斑马博士,斑马博士留学中心,纽约大学,New York University(NYU),MS in Project Management(MSPM),项目管理硕士 


【学校介绍】纽约大学(New York University),简称纽大(NYU),该校系美国大学协会成员 ,2021-2022年度,纽约大学名列U.S. News世界大学排名第30  ,THE世界大学排名第26   ,QS世界大学排名第42 ,软科世界大学学术排名第27  ;2023 US. News#25。




The Master of Science in Project Management offers a practical business perspective needed by project managers. It provides a comprehensive, rigorous educational experience that focuses on leading practices, principles, and methodologies associated with the project management science. The program's curriculum stresses management and leadership concepts and complements students' existing business and technical expertise. The range of project management knowledge and experience, including extensive content in areas such as quality, communications, project operations, organizational leadership, business ethics, risk management, contracts, project initiation, planning, financial management, and schedule control, are at the core of this program. You will be prepared to direct major public and private projects, as well as portfolios of complex enterprise projects, in an increasingly complex managerial environment. You will graduate with the tools, techniques, skills, and knowledge to be an effective project manager and organizational leader, with greatly improved prospects for advancement and career change.(摘录自官网)







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