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恭喜斑马博士客户获得纽约大学New York University(NYU)MS in Event Management(MSEM)录取!
【OFFER展示】 纽约大学New York University(NYU)MS in Event Management(MSEM)活动管理硕士
【院校介绍】纽约大学(New York University),简称纽大(NYU),该校系美国大学协会成员 ,2021-2022年度,纽约大学名列U.S. News世界大学排名第30 ,THE世界大学排名第26 ,QS世界大学排名第42 ,软科世界大学学术排名第27 ;2023 US. News#25。
【专业解读】The Jonathan M. Tisch Center of Hospitality offers the MS in Event Management (MSEM), one of the first degrees of its kind in the country. Its cutting-edge curriculum, focused on the skills event managers need in this fast-growing, globally expanding industry, prepares students for event planning and management careers across private, public, and nonprofit organizations. This comprehensive program of study affords students the benefits and resources of earning an event management degree at NYU, while establishing themselves in New York City—home to venues such as Madison Square Garden and the Jacob Javits Center, and host to iconic events such as the U.S. Open and the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.(摘录自官网)
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